Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The New Pool.

We woke up this morning to another beautiful hot Florida day, so we decided to try out the new pool that Max got for his birthday. After an hour and a half of using an air pump and our lungs and a water hose, we finally got the thing ready to use and of course, it started to rain. Reason #124343546 why I hate Florida. We got in the pool anyway and we took some pictures. The pool is awesome, thanks to Erik, Sharon and Emily for the collapsed lung!

Maddox, reminiscing about his last birthday.
 Posted by Picasa

Say aaahhhh! Maddox Paul Deal DDS, Hippopotamus Dentist. Posted by Picasa

This is Max enjoying his new pool, while I try to recover from blowing it up. Posted by Picasa

I said ALL hands on deck! Posted by Picasa

Thanks to Aunt Laura for the cake. It looked great but it was a little fishy. Posted by Picasa

CAN'T....STOP.....MUST.........EAT...MORE......CAKE!!!! Posted by Picasa

More pictures.

We just got some more pictures from the party taken by Amanda's dad. Here they are.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Big One

Well, today was the premiere of the grandiose production that we call Max's 1st birthday. We had a big party at Brian and Kathy's pool. There were tons of people there and fun was had by all. We are now exhausted and in desparate need of a shower. I am glad birthdays are only once a year. For those who missed it and those who just want to relive it, here are some pics from the party.
P.S. Congrats to our good friends Erik and Sharon Morton who have welcomed their new son Jarek into the world!!! He was born at 10:21 pm on July 14th, weighing in at a whopping 8 lbs 9 oz and twenty one and a half inches long. If you would like to see pictures, head on over to the Mortons blog at http://www.southernsalt.blogspot.com/.

I've been wanting one of these for years!! Posted by Picasa

Max really loved the bow that Nana and Bapa got him for his B-day. The perfect gift. Posted by Picasa

This is the cake.  Posted by Picasa

Someone foolishly lit the applause sign. Posted by Picasa

You're my boy Blue!! Posted by Picasa

The first taste of cake...well, icing but that's the important part. Posted by Picasa

Carefull Max, you almost got some in your mouth! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Look Mom, no hands! Posted by Picasa

King of the wing!!! Posted by Picasa