Monday, January 17, 2005

One Year Anniversary!

Well, we made it through our first year of marriage! A lot has happened in the first year, but God has blessed us greatly!
Today was really fun! We went to Clearwater Beach to watch the sunset, which is where we went on our first date, and also our first day of being husband and wife. And as much as we love him, Maddox did not join us this time, thanks to Ed and Kristy! We look forward to many many more years together!


Erik said...

He is a crazy man. Cute!

matt said...

Awesome site man. I set one up recently and i'm sorry to say, used the same background. I hope you're not mad about it, trendsetter. Anyway, Maddox looks awesome. I am impressed by your photography. Have a good one and happy one-year.